Sunday, 26 February 2012

Saturday baking

Yesterday I was off work yay, got a little bit of knitting doneand some baking a Victoria sponge and a gingerbread yeummm.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pancake Day

Today is the 21st of February 2012, it is known in the UK as pancake day, Shrove Tuesday. I was also reading it is also known as Fat Tuesday also.
My Darling Daughter loves my pancakes and get's very upset if I don't make them for her lol.
Below are the pic's of the Pancakes from batter to pancake :)

So now the pancakes are done just waiting for DD to arrive and demolish lol Mum Has an infection in her finger and wanted her fave so I made her a scone bread Yeummmmmmmmm me love it tooo pic below.